Must Have Bike Commuter Essentials

September 22, 2017

Must Have Bike Commuter Essentials

Bike commuting is a fun way of getting to work or school; you actually receive a couple of benefits in a short span of time; you get to exercise with the bike, you save time and most importantly, there are no costs involved. Now, bike commuters invest in a good back pack that carry essential tools and outfits they intend to use at school or work after changing from their commuter outfits. However, there are commuter outfits that are convenient for both road and office.

To avoid unexpected delays on the road, say having a deflated tire, it is important to carry a pump along and a spare tube just in case you have a flat. There are modern mini pumps that easily fit in your backpack; you would face a real hustle trying to carry the traditional large pumps.

For the times you will make unexpected stops say in a store, you will need a lock to guarantee he safety of your bicycle. The lock should be high quality and capable of securing your bike until you get back. Other essential items you’ll need are sunglasses to protect your eyes from the dangerous ultraviolet rays and the glare on the roads.

With these essentials, you will be all set for the bike commuting experience.